Academic year 2023-24 started on 17th July 2023. As per the syllabus diploma second year students have Advance Interior Design subject with various design problems options. So, faculty choose the Café as a first design problem for Advance Interior Design subject.

           For better understanding of Design subject students must go through the live case study. So, we had arranged live case study at Café THE WINGS at Tarabai Park Kolhapur on 24 july 2023. Thus, this study helped students in understanding various space planning, functions etc of café. Student studied spaces like reception/counter area, display area, dining area, sitting places, kitchen with various working platforms & storage units, toilets and wash area in café. For better environment and ambience café was designed in industrial theme.

Student also studied various furniture forms, lighting system, ceiling design, external façade design etc.  This study helped student in easy & better understanding of design and implement requirement of café.